Healing Arts & Sound Collective 

Blue Monkey Healing Arts & Sounds Collective

We are a collective of musicians, sound healers, artists, and DJs/ producers that join forces in order to bring you a one of a kind yoga, sound and dance experience! 

All three workshops that we offer as a collective can be conducted separately or, ideally, as one coherent experience with three successive parts:

1. Psychedelic Yoga with Karolina Darshan

Starting with a powerful Psychedelic Yoga Workshop (2 hrs) with Live Music including Gong, we warm up and open our consciousness to higher realms, and to the possibility of having a psychedelic experience without any substance. The practice is done mostly sitting, with very specific and effective movement keys that affect the glands of the body and get the juices flowing. In the end there will be a gong relaxation lying down to integrate and ground ourselves.

2. Sound Healing with Frank Peschke

All juiced up and prepared after the Psychedelic Yoga, the next step is a transformative Sound Healing Session (2h) with the participants lying down and bathing in an ocean of sounds flowing through them, clearing up all kinds of blockages that might still be left somewhere in the system. Since centuries, in Eastern cultures sound therapy is known to be highly effective to heal trauma and all kinds of physical and emotional ailments.


3. Ecstatic Dance Live with Ash, Frank, Joël, Leli and Karolina

The Sound Healing is followed by our special take on Ecstatic Dance! This Conscious Dance experience is played as a Live Set by all 5 artists together. It’s sound poetry, created live with drum machine, synthesizers, looped sounds and effects, voices and a multitude of different instruments including the gongs. This co-creation can take 2 hours or longer and happens in the moment as a jam between the artists and the dancers!

What emerges is a musical fairytale that takes the dancer on a trip to the Otherworld. Let’s go down the rabbit hole and see what awaits us on the other side!


Ash Wobbly

The experienced producer and Founder of the Brighton-based electronic label Wobbly Records is brilliant with tweaking and twisting sounds to dream, dance and trip to! Also check out his techno project LlamaLeaf and the meditative soundscape project AshYo!

Ash Wobbly

Frank Peschke

Frank is a German multi-instrumentalist and sound healing wizard based in Monchique with a unique set-up in Portugal: 4 planetary Paiste gongs, custom tailored sound pyramids, Meinl Crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, hangdrum, clarinet, flute, Sansula, Jambe and Kajon. During his Sound Sessions all kinds of spontaneous healings can happen as the frequencies penetrate deeply into the tissue and fascia.

Frank 2

Joël Barbarossa

All-style music DJ since 1999, well known for his surprise gigs on party venues and small festivals in Portugal. Practices modern alchemy in daily life, fascilitates self-healing processes of all lifeforms and researches quantumphysical phenomena to support the growth and development of the human psyche into a new world where abundance of everything for everyone is the main paradigm.


Leli Denayer

18 year old daughter of Joël, audiophile since she was born, always surrounded by and creating music, bringing uplifting vibrations wherever this fairy lands. Music is the language of love and simply makes her happy. She is experimenting with multiple styles, genres and sound producing equipment with an ever open mind. Dedicated to continue her adventurous journey as a versatile artist, born ready to go on stage!

Leli Barbarossa

Karolina Darshan

The singer, ritualist and modern mystic Karolina Darshan travelled the world to study shamanic music and transformative practices from different traditions. Her primary teacher was Nanak Dev Singh, one of the yogis Yogi Bhajan instructed himself in kundalini yoga and gong soundhealing. Specialised in African and Indian music, Karolina plays Kora, a 21-string West-African harp and Harmonium/ Srutibox. The clairaudient yogini channels light language and divine messages during her workshops and performances.

Karolina Darshan
Joël 2